Deer Antler Velvet Handbook: Part 3 - Constituents and Section Analysis

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: July 12, 2022 17:59


Nutrient Composition

Constituents: Major minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, sodium, iron; trace minerals such as manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt; gelatin collagen proteins; complete range of amino acids; cholesterol; several growth factors; glucosamine; chondroitin; hyaluronic acid; polysaccharides; steroid hormones; fatty acid lipids such as prostaglandins; and waxy lipids such as ceramides.


Body Parts: Joints, Bones, Muscles, Hair, Nails, Bone Marrow
Organs: Skin, Heart, Kidney, Genitals
Glands: Parathyroid, Thyroid, Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenal, Sex
Systems: Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, Cardiovascular, Immune, Lymph


Deer Antler Velvet Sections

Tippy Top Wax

The tips and tops are the wax piece due to a larger volume of gel-like lipids and peptides, such as immunopeptides such as cytokines, and growth factors such as IGF-1, IGF-2, all of which form the basis for antler proliferation.

Blood Middles

The middles of the stick is the blood piece that is unique rapidly growing cartilage that is richly vascularized and includes various proteins such as collagens, a group of chondroitin sulfates called proteoglycans, glucosamines, and mineral enzyme co-factors.

Bone Bottoms

The bone piece is both the bottom and base sections which have not ossified and is the section highest in calcium and other essential minerals.

All Sections = Holistic Supplement

Different parts of the velvet antler contain different nutrition; and all parts work synergistically together, depending on how they are formulated, to create a holistic supplement.

Deer Antler Velvet Handbook

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