Allopathic Medicine: Part 12 - Prescription Drugs Require Physician Authorization

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: August 24, 2022 00:13

A Prescription is Used at a Pharmacy 

A prescription is an authorization that is prescribed by a healthcare professional for medical drugs, procedures, therapy, and counselling in the prevention, management, treatment, and cure of a disease or health-related conditions that has been diagnosed.

A prescription for a drug is filled at a pharmacy by a pharmacist. Some medical drugs may be purchased at a pharmacy and/or with a pharmacist over-the-counter (OTC) without a prescription. Discuss any OTC drug use with a pharmacist or qualified healthcare practitioner. 

Sometimes a quack physician may authorize a wrongful prescription of a drug for the off-label use, and also inappropriately prescribe food and dietary supplements for the treatment of diseases and health-related conditions. Indeed, a quack wrongly prescribes anything for diseases and health-related conditions.

Self-medication is Slang for Recreational Use of Prescription Drugs 

Self-medication and self-treatment (aka. treatment with self-care) is colloquial slang used by the medical industry and government agencies for when someone uses prescription drugs recreationally or uses recreational drugs and intoxicants for the wrong view and false feelings of well-being.

Foods and Dietary Supplements Cannot Be Prescribed

Food and dietary supplements cannot be prescribed as drugs since food and supplements do not prevent, manage, treat, or cure diseases and health-related conditions; instead food and supplements support, build, and promote health, wellness, and well-being.

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