Allopathic Medicine: Part 14 - Side Effects Are Unintended Results of Drug Use

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: August 24, 2022 00:13

Side Effects are Unintended Effects of Drug Use 

A side effect is the medical risk of an unwanted consequence and unintended result from taking a medical drug, because they are toxic, that is a known or unknown reaction of abnormal functioning within the body, emotions, and/or mind which is different than the desired disease or health-related conditions treatment, which altogether may be benign, cause injury, or death.

If someone is experiencing a life threatening side effect from a medical drug, call an available healthcare service provider immediately.

Discuss Side Effects with Healthcare Practitioners 

Always discuss medical drug use with a healthcare professional to help reduce associated toxicity and side effects.

Recreational Drug Use is Toxic

Recreational drug use, such as hemp and cannabis flowers and leaves, psilocybin, steroids, opioids, and so on, do not have side effects since no treatment protocol was prescribed. Recreational use of drugs inherently causes physical, emotional, and mental impairment, and may have other injurious and life threatening consequences.

Drug Toxicity Interactions with Foods and Supplements

The toxicity of drugs will interact with certain foods and supplements which will increase side effects, such as liver damage, bleeding, and more. Check with your doctor about any food and supplements that will increase drug toxicity and side effects, such as grapefruit, essential fatty acids, and the herbs comfrey and boneset.

Food and Supplements Do Not Have Medical Drug Risks such as Side Effects, or Any Other Associated Medical Precautions

Food and supplements do not have medical drug risks, such as side effects, or any other associated medical precautions like adverse events, since food and supplements are not drugs used to treat, manage, prevent, or cure diseases and health-related conditions; although food and supplements may be part of an adverse event.

Eat complete balanced meals to reduce issues with food. Do not participate in dieting, skipping meals, abstaining from food, or fasting. And take dietary supplements with food to avoid any issues with absorption and digestion.

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