Intoxicant Properties and Detrimental Abuse

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: August 1, 2022 00:48

Abusing Intoxicants is an Unhealthy Substitute for Nutrition 

Intoxicants are alcoholic beverages, tobacco, various drugs, poisonous plants or plant parts, hemp and cannabis flowers and leaves, and non-ingestible toxic items which lack health benefits and have detrimental effects on wellness by their impairment of physical, emotional, and/or mental functions, while causing erratic behavior and mania.

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Rule of Thumb
"Intoxicant plants or plants parts, including alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and drugs, create false perceptions of well-being, cause physical, emotional, mental impairment, and induce varying degrees of mania and therefore are prohibited from being included as healing medicinal herbs used within herbalism and herbal medicine from the lack of applicable health and healing benefits due to the intoxication properties.

Intoxicants Induce Varying Degrees of Mania and Manic Behavior

Mania is when a person experiences any varying degree of abnormal behavior which is manic, out-of-normal functioning, that may endanger their own or another's physical body, emotional well-being, and mental processes.

Behaviors include:

  • excessive or suppressed energy
  • rapid movements and speech
  • excessive unwarranted emotions
  • inappropriate euphoria
  • unwarranted obsessions
  • detachment from surroundings
  • indifference to others' life
  • illogical thinking and feeling
  • confused thoughts
  • physical disorientation
  • skipping meals and dieting
  • abnormal diet that removes food groups

If someone is feeling mania or exhibiting manic behavior, seek or be a trusted source to assist in their physical and emotional safety and well-being. Call a guardian and/or family member and/or move them to a safe space where harm may be reduced.

Why are Intoxicants Bad for Health?

The body, emotions, and mind will not easily recognize the detrimental effects of intoxicants, because intoxicants have a direct effect on the nervous system from their ability to suppress toxic reactions by their depressant, anesthetic, narcotic, and/or psychedelic properties.

Commonly known intoxicants include plants and fungi, such as tobacco leaves and nicotine, amanita mushrooms, opium poppy and derivatives, magic mushrooms, including micro-dosing psilocybin, kratom leaves, belladonna berries and plant parts, and any use of hemp and cannabis flower and leaf, which includes full-spectrum extractions and all cannabinoid derivatives, such as THC and CBD.

Why are Intoxicants Abused?

Intoxicants are abused as incorrect substitutes to satisfy cravings of various types in the body, emotions, and mind, such as hunger for nutrition and nutrient dense foods or emotional connection, which leads to a recursive craving for more intoxicants.

Greater health and gaining wellness are not achieved from intoxicant use; although someone may feel euphoric on intoxicants, this is not the correct perception of well-being.

Intoxicants Impair Functioning of Body, Emotions, and Mind 

Intoxicants are wrongly consumed to impair the body, emotions, and/or mind, while altering perceptions of one's health out-of-normal, by inducing states of painlessness, erratic thinking and behavior, and manic euphoria.

Intoxicants are often compulsively consumed for the manic euphoria they induce, known in slang as "getting high", for false feelings and perceptions of well-being.

Intoxicant abuse is common with quack medicine promoted and prescribed by the medical industry and approved by government agencies.

Types of Intoxicants and Intoxication Properties

  • Depressant
  • Anesthetic
  • Narcotic
  • Psychedelic

Depressant intoxicants reduce nervous system activity and produce effects of dizziness, drowsiness, sleepiness, sedation, lethargy, fatigue, and apathy. Depressants include alcoholic beverages; plants, such as belladonna, wild dagga; and plant parts, such as hemp and cannabis flowers and leaves, including derivatives, such as cannabinoids and CBD, They reduce physical performance, lower emotional inhibition, retard mental cognition, delay or halt overall spiritual growth and development.

Anesthetic intoxicants interfere with nervous system impulses thereby inducing hyperactivity, manic euphoria, painlessness, decreased appetite, irritability, anxiety, confusion, mood disturbances, personality changes, erratic behavior and thinking, and paranoia. Anesthetics include poisonous plants and their derivatives such as tobacco and nicotine, coca and cocaine, betel nut, kratom, and hemp and cannabis flowers and leaves, including derivatives, such as cannabinoids and CBD. The body builds a tolerance to these addictive poisons since body chemistry and nervous function adapts to their consumption which causes profound withdrawal.

Narcotic intoxicants inhibit nervous function, the five senses, and all forms of physical, emotional, and mental performance causing dizziness, drowsiness, sleepiness, sedation, lethargy, fatigue, reduced appetite, painlessness, apathy, and disordered thinking. They are found in plants, such as opium poppies, kanna, wlld dagga, and hemp and cannabis flowers and leaves, including derivatives, such as cannabinoids and CBD. Long-term compulsive consumption causes personality changes, limited ability to learn and convey understanding, generalized paranoia, and varying degrees of insanity.

Psychedelic intoxicants paralyze nerves causing dizziness, clumsiness, fever or chills, vomiting, confusion, personality changes, hyperemotionality, delirium, mania, hallucinations, paranoia, including mind-altering erratic behavior and thinking, and manic euphoria, panic, and fear. Psychedelics are found in fungi: such as ergot, kanna, magic mushrooms (psilocybin), peyote, agave (mescaline), and amanitas; and plants: such as salvia, ayahuasca (Psychotria viridis - DMT), and hemp and cannabis flowers and leaves, including derivatives, such as cannabinoids and CBD. Short-term use of psychedelics can cause reclusive behaviors, paranoia, and personality changes, whereas long-term use can cause improper learning of subjects, inability to understand one's enviroment and others, and psychosis concerning losing touch with reality.

Intoxicants Are Not Food, Herbs and Dietary Supplements

Intoxicants are not to be confused with food, herbs, and dietary supplements, since intoxicants lack viable nutrients and constituents due to the presence of intoxicants that are detrimental to health, healing, growth, and development.