Handbook of Health: Part 5 - What's Health Education?

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: August 9, 2022 22:34

The Study of How to be Healthy 

Health education is the study of general health information in how to support, maintain, and promote the functioning, healing, growth and development of the body, emotions, mind, and spirit through personally seeking wellness as a cumulative process towards greater well-being.

Key Areas of Health Education Study

  • Hygiene: wearing clean clothing, washing hands regularly, bathing, and removing bodily wastes.
  • Bodily functions: studying the functions of various individual systems, organs, glands, and tissues, including how they work together.
  • Nutrition: eating food, drinking liquids, taking dietary supplements, using medicinal remedies, avoiding intoxicants and not using recreational drugs.
  • Lifestyle: encompassing daily activities, friendships, neighbors, workplace, sports, fitness, and overall development of character.
  • Emotions: understanding feelings, communicating emotions, and practicing empathy and compassion.
  • Mind: becoming aware of thoughts and developing methods of understanding subjects and seeking higher education.
  • Spirit: cultivating the view of one's life in relation to their own self, the environment, world, and cosmos.

Health Education is Not to be Confused with Medical Education

Medical education is the pathology study of the causes of diseases and conditions, which is the non-functioning of the body, emotions, or mind, and the inability to understand personal wellness and attain well-being.

Pathologists Know Diseases 

Health education is not the medical education of diseases and conditions, for example: treating and managing heart disease with drugs and/or fasting from certain foods is not understanding how to maintain and promote heart health with nutrients and superfoods.

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