
by Jason Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: December 17, 2020 21:48

Tonic Tinctures Cognition Benefits

A tonic superfood that contains supporting nutrition and holistic health benefits that support nerve health while maintaining cognitive abilities and skills, such as thinking and memory. Continuous consumption will support efficient thinking from oxygenated blood flow and energy metabolism.

May assist mental multi-tasking and concentration. This adaptogen will support forward positive thinking concerning one's life experiences and personal education.

Cognition is holistic attribute composed of any combination of the following health benefits:

  • Antioxidant
  • Energy
  • Brain Health
  • Cardio

Nutrients found within ginseng:

Additional Essential Cognition Nutrition:

Tonic Tinctures’ Related Products:

  • Ginseng Collection
  • Astragalus; Digestapeel; Golden Dragon, Lion’s Mane