Dietary Supplement Handbook: Part 5 - Best Time to Take a Supplement

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: August 1, 2022 20:20

Mealtime Makes Most Supplements Work Best 

The best time to take dietary supplements is right after eating a complete balanced meal to increase the overall density of nutrients and constituents within the diet.

Energy supplements are best taken with breakfast or the first meal of the day.

Rest supplements are best taken with dinner or the last meal of the day.

Can Someone Take Supplements on an Empty Stomach?

If necessary, supplements may be taken on an empty stomach or when someone uses medicinal herbs for specific purposes or for specific timing, such as before bed. But, taking a supplement on an empty stomach may not work well for the best results and benefits.

Q: What happens if someone gets an tired, an upset stomach, anxious, or a headache while taking supplements?

A: When taken without balanced complete meals, supplements often lower blood sugar which can make someone tired, sleepy, and anxious. If someone experiences tiredness, upset stomach, anxiousness, or a headache while taking any supplement they should try again at a lower dosage and with a complete meal.

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