Deer Antler Velvet Handbook: Part 5 - Servings, Dosages, Time to Take

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: July 12, 2022 17:59

1 Comment

Times to Take

Best times and ways to take deer antler velvet:

  • Take with complete balanced meals for best overall results
  • Time your dosage 30 mins before fitness and training for performance
  • Take at the beginning of the day, such as breakfast, for lasting energy
  • With a complete dinner full of protein to promote recovery and regeneration


Deer Antler Velvet Dosage

The serving size of deer antler velvet depends on the extract, soup, spirits, powder, or liquid.

The type of deer antler velvet has different potencies which requires a different dose.

If you don't know the type of deer antler velvet you have, follow the red deer dosage suggestions since it is the most common type on the market.

Small to Large Serving Size by Type
SikaReindeerRed → Elk
Small → Medium → Large

The dose of deer antler velvet is always started with the minimum recommended and increased over time until a functional dose is reached.

Four Ways to Extract and Take Deer Antler Velvet

Tea and Soup Dosage

1. Tea and Soup Dosage

Broth is freshly prepared: cooked on the stove-top, sliced deer antler velvet is added to simmering water and slowly cooked at a low temperate, approx. 125*F - 165*F, for 1-3 hours.

Tea and Soup Dosage: 3 – 9 grams in 1 liter purified or distilled water; reduced in volume by half. Drink two to three 200ml - 300ml servings daily. If you don't know the type of deer antler velvet you have, follow the red deer dosage suggestions since it is the most common type on the market.

Small to Large Serving Size by Type
SikaReindeerRed → Elk
1.5-3g → 2-6g → 3-9g
1 gram(g) = 1,000 milligrams(mg)

Comment: This form of supplementation is mainly for collagen, amino acids and minerals, consumed as a nutritional source of high-quality food daily.

Spirits Dosage

2. Spirits Dosage

A few slices are added to bottle of spirits (40 proof alcohol) and placed in a cool dark place. It is then shaken several times a week for over a month before drinking.

Spirits Dosage: 18 - 36 grams per liter, soaked for at least one month. Take 1 ounce 1-3 times a day as a shot serving. If you don't know the type of deer antler velvet you have, follow the red deer dosage suggestions since it is the most common type on the market.

Small to Large Serving Size by Type
SikaReindeerRed → Elk
9-12g → 18-24g → 18-36g
1 gram(g) = 1,000 milligrams(mg)

Comment: Crude alcohol extraction of a portion of constituents, unique lipids and active minerals. Taken seasonally for warmth and circulation.

Powder and Capsule Dosage

3. Powder and Capsule Dosage

Fresh powder or encapsulated: either directly in the mouth or in a small 2-4 oz cup of lukewarm water, gently whisked for a few brief moments. Powder and capsules are the best way to give deer antler velvet to pets and animals, such as hamsters, cats, dogs, and horses.

Powder and Capsule Dosage for Humans: 1,000 – 9,000 milligrams divided into 1-3 daily servings. If you don't know the type of deer antler velvet you have, follow the red deer dosage suggestions since it is the most common type on the market.

Small to Large Serving Size by Type
SikaReindeerRed → Elk
1-4g → 2-5g → 3-6g
1 gram(g) = 1,000 milligrams(mg)

Comment: Increased absorption and no-heat processing will allow for consumption over the long term for general benefits.

Liquid and Tincture Dosage

4. Liquid Extract and Tincture Dosage

Liquid extracts may be taken sublingually for maximum absorption or added to a small amount of cool water and slowly sipped so that the extract is easier to take. Hydro-alcohol tinctures of deer antler velvet are superior due to the potency of the alcohol extract.

Liquid Extract and Tincture Dosage: 500 – 5,000 milligrams in 1-3 servings 1-3 times daily. If you don't know the type of deer antler velvet you have, follow the red deer dosage suggestions since it is the most common type on the market.

Small to Large Serving Size by Type
SikaReindeerRed → Elk
.5-2g → 1-3g → 3-5g
1 gram(g) = 1,000 milligrams(mg)

Comment: for liquids extracts maximum benefits and more immediate effects staring within one to two weeks. A multi-step liquid extraction retains and preserves maximum potency of all constituents.

Deer Antler Velvet Handbook

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