Mushroom Master

By: Tonic Tinctures


UPC: 713289302566

Condition: New

13 reviews

Made in Oregon
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Mushroom Master Poster

Mushroom Master 14 Medicinal Mushroom Formula Can Be Used for These Health Optimizations:

  • Stress Resilience
  • Cognitive Function
  • Immune Function
  • Liver Function
  • Nerve Fortification
  • Hormone Balance
  • Overall Well-being

Important Note: This information about health optimizations is intended to help you make informed decisions about incorporating this supplement into your diet and lifestyle, as part of your efforts to cultivate the inherent health of your body and mind. This information is not medical advice and does not address health concerns, diseases, or disease risk reduction.

please pay attention click pics for more info

Benefits and Uses*





Mushroom Master: A Symphony of Support for Holistic Well-being

If you're actively engaged in optimizing your health, you understand the power of nature's intelligence. Mushroom Master, a unique blend of 14 medicinal mushrooms, offers a holistic approach to supporting your well-being journey. This comprehensive formula, rooted in ancient wisdom, may help you tap into your body's inherent capacity for resilience, vitality, and balance.*

The Mycelial Network: Nature's Intelligent Web

In the natural world, mushrooms are interconnected through a vast underground network called the mycelium. This network acts as a communication system, allowing mushrooms to share nutrients and information throughout the forest ecosystem. Mushroom Master brings this interconnected intelligence to you, offering a diverse blend of 14 medicinal mushroom species to support your body's own complex systems.*

A Comprehensive Blend for Holistic Wellness

Mushroom Master includes a combination of renowned medicinal mushrooms like Chaga, Reishi, Cordyceps, Lion's Mane, as well as lesser-known varieties like Agarikon, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, Maitake, and Mesima. Each mushroom species contributes a unique array of bioactive compounds, including polysaccharides, triterpenes, antioxidants, and trace minerals, working synergistically to support your body's natural processes.*

Integrate Mushroom Master into Your Wellness Routine:

  • Immune Function: Incorporate Mushroom Master to support your immune system's natural response and bolster its defenses.*

  • Cognitive Function: Consider including Mushroom Master to support mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive well-being.*

  • Stress Resilience: Utilize Mushroom Master as part of your stress management strategy, helping your body adapt to daily challenges and maintain equilibrium.*

  • Liver Function: Explore how Mushroom Master may help support your liver's natural detoxification processes as part of your holistic approach to health.*

  • Nervous System Support: Integrate Mushroom Master into your routine to nourish your nervous system and promote overall balance.*

  • Gut Health: Add Mushroom Master to your wellness plan to support a balanced and thriving gut microbiome.*

Mushroom Master offers a comprehensive approach to health optimization, combining the wisdom of multiple medicinal mushrooms into a single, potent formula. Embrace the restorative power of nature and take an active role in your journey toward vibrant well-being. For optimal results, take with meals.

Important Note: This information about health optimizations is intended to help you make informed decisions about incorporating this supplement into your diet and lifestyle, as part of your efforts to cultivate the inherent health of your body and mind. This information is not medical advice and does not address health concerns, diseases, or disease risk reduction.



We formulate with the sweeter and polysaccharide rich outdoor lab-grown log-cultivated medicinal mushrooms, so that this supplement is tonic.* This means it is safer and easier-to-take for the long-term benefits.* The one exception is that we use a small amount of true tinder polypore that is sustainably harvested wild.

Mushroom Master Liquid
Mycelium Strands Are The Nerves Of The Ecosystem

Log cultivated medicinal mushrooms have many advantages:

The main advantage of log cultivation being that one can harvest all parts of the mushroom for a high concentration of all constituents, especially the polysaccharides, while also including the acids which have their highest concentration in the mycelium.

Outdoor lab-grown log-cultivation also produces a consistent supplement that will easily work without any natural variances found in wild mushrooms that could impair potency, due to the attentive detail to cultivation in a controlled environment.

And lastly, outdoor lab-grown log-cultivation allows us to harvest medicinal mushrooms without injuring the ecosystem and the necessary mutual relationship of medicinal mushrooms and their natural environment.

We formulate using a variety of extraction techniques for multi-step potency which include:

  • Artisan-formulated for Wholistic Effects and Benefits
  • Harvesting at Times of Full Botanical Potency
  • All Active Parts of the Mushroom are Included in the Formula
    • Fruiting Body
    • Mycelium
    • Sclerotium
    • Spore (reishi only)
  • Cold Processed Where Appropriate to Preserve Integrity of Fragile Constituents
  • Dual Solvent: Water and Alcohol for 99.9% constituent content
    • Additionally Activated for Easy Digestion
    • Semi-soluble Polysaccharides Included in Suspension
  • Stabilized for Natural Preservation - No Preservatives
  • Flash-steamed for Cracked Cell-walls to Release Chitin Bound Constituents

This formulation uses moderate alcohol, 35% percent by volume, so that it has a balance of all the necessary health promoting constituents.

See our homepage for more about our methods.



All mushrooms are organically grown in a controlled outdoor lab on logs, unless otherwise stated.

Although all mushrooms have similar molecularly structured constituents, diverse variances in these constituents will modify the health giving and supporting benefits of each individual medicinal mushroom, thereby effecting and supporting different organ systems for a whole body holistic effect.

The Formula is Separated Into Four Different Stages that Include Specific Clusters of Actions and Constituents.

All medicinal mushrooms have antioxidant capacities, support immune function, but particular medicinal mushrooms excel at promoting the cleansing of tissues through counteracting toxins via their antioxidant activity.



  • Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) HeartLiver, Adrenal, Antioxidant*
  • Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) Liver, Adrenal, Skin, Antioxidant, Mineralizer*
  • Cordyceps (Ophiocordyceps sinensis/Paecilomyces hepialid) Lung, Adrenal, Kidney*



    • Mesima (Phellinus linteus) Joints
    • Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) Nerve, Stomach, Brain
    • Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolorLiver
    • Maitake (Grifola frondosa) Lung, Nerve
    • Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Liver, Bone

    STAGE #3


    • Poria (Poria cocos) SpleenMineralizer
    • Blazei (Agaricus blazei) Immune, Liver, Antioxidant
    • Agarikon (Laricifomes officinalis) Antioxidant, Lung, Mineralizer
    • Suehirotake (Schizophyllum commune) Immune, Digestive
    • Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Immune

    STAGE #4


    • True Tinder Conk Polypore wildcrafted (Fomes fomentarius) - JointCirculation



    Recommended Dosage: 417 – 3.750 milligrams @ 1-3 times a day*

    To find a functional dose, start with a minimum dose of 10 drops to 1 dropper and work up to a functional dose.* Many benefits of tonics come from consistent and continued use over a period of time.*

    Mushroom Master dropper:

    • 60 1ml droppers in a 2oz (60ml) bottle
    • 1ml dropper = ~1,250 mgs Mushroom Master formula

    Mushroom Master drops:

    • 30 drops in a 1ml dropper
    • 1 drop = ~42 mgs Mushroom Master formula

    Suggested Timing:

    Tonic Tinctures Day and Night Activity Card
    Tonic Tinctures Health Cultivation Activity Card
    Tonic Tinctures Long Term Activity Card


    How to Incorporate Mushroom Master into Your Wellness Routine:

    • Daily Nourishment: Mushroom Master can be taken at any time to support your body's natural processes and overall well-being.* Consistency is key for optimal results.
    • On an Empty Stomach: Consider taking Mushroom Master on an empty stomach, as it may help support your body's natural detoxification processes.*
    • With Meals: Incorporate Mushroom Master with meals as part of your holistic approach to digestive and immune health.*
    • With Probiotics: To potentially enhance the absorption of Mushroom Master's beneficial compounds, consider adding a probiotic supplement or fermented foods to your diet.*
    Mushroom Master Time Concept
    Benefits with tonics take time; taking enough consistently rewards health

    Take as desired: consume on a continuous basis to develop the natural tonic and adaptogenic benefits that build over time.* Some benefits are immediate and some results require consumption over several days and weeks to accomplish.* A good tonic cycle is 45-90 days of a tonic adaptogen which will generate lasting health changes.*

    Shake gently: secure the lid and turn the bottle over back-and-forth 3-5 times to evenly distribute the tincture. Do not over-shake as the vigorous mixing of air with the extract will oxidize and damage many of the necessary constituents for required dosage and potency.

    By mouth: hold the liquid under the tongue for 60-90 seconds and then swallow the rest of extract; doing so allows digestion to begin in the mouth and will take advantage of the activated multi-step extract so that many of the constituents will bypass digestion and enter the body through the mouth and throat.*

    Mix with water: squirt the drops or entire droppers into 2-4 oz. of water that is under 120*F. Water that is cool to lukewarm temperature is best to preserve the volatile and fragile constituents from being damaged and denatured which will reduce the potency of the extract.* Sip slowly to allow absorption in the mouth and throat.* This method makes it easier to become accustomed to the extract and to take larger doses of several different tinctures at once in a tonic program.*

    For maximum potency: regularly consume the tincture within a period of 45 days; after 45 days of continuous consumption the extract may begin to gradually lose potency requiring a larger dosage to achieve similar benefit.* A bottle will generally last 10-30 days depending on dosage and concurrent supplementation programming.*

    Further dosage reference: How to Take a Tonic Tincture


    Mushroom Master Liquid Supplement

      Tincture Details

      Tincture Type:
      Multi-step Hydroalcohol
      Serving Size:
      • 1 dropper
      Daily Usage:
      • 1-3 droppers 1-3 times per day
      Extraction Ratio:
      • 2.5 pounds : 1 quart - 120,000mgs equivalent per 2oz. bottle
      Manufacture Date:
      • June 1st 2024
      • 2 Years from manufacture

      Expiration & Storage Information

      Made In Oregon USA



      Tonic Tinctures Mushroom Master Supplement Label

      Mushroom Master Tincture is ~1250mgs extract per 1ml dropper.


      Questions and Answers

      Mushroom Master Questions and Answers

      Common questions about Mushroom Master supplementation.

      Please submit any question via our contact form.

      Q: How does Mushroom Master work?
      Mushroom Master is a blend of 14 medicinal mushrooms, each contributing unique compounds like polysaccharides, triterpenes, and trace minerals. Together, these compounds may work synergistically to support your body's natural processes, including immune function, liver function, and nervous system health.*
      Q: When should I take Mushroom Master?
      Mushroom Master can be taken anytime for consistent daily support. Many individuals find it beneficial for relaxation and recovery, especially when taken with balanced meals.
      Q: Why is electricity depicted on the Mushroom Master label?
      The electricity imagery on the label symbolizes the way mushroom mycelium (the root-like structures) acts as a communication network in nature. Medicinal mushrooms, like Lion's Mane, are traditionally used to support the nervous system.*
      Q: Are there any psychoactive effects from taking Mushroom Master?
      No. Mushroom Master is formulated with medicinal mushrooms, which are not hallucinogenic or psychedelic.


      Reviews are moderated; please be helpful to other clients.
      Individual testimonials and reviews are supplied for reference and informational purposes only. Specific benefits, effects, and results may vary per the individual.
      Please no medical, no disease, and no drug terms so we may share your review publicly.

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